3 Steps to Consider when Establishing a New Partner

Are you looking for a way to generate more leads for your start-up?

If so, you should consider using LinkedIn as a lead generation tool. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site, and it offers many opportunities for businesses to connect with potential customers and gain valuable market insight.

Read on for the top tips you need to get started.

1. Optimise your profile

When you create your LinkedIn profile, be sure to optimise it for maximum visibility. You can start by including keywords which are relevant to your business in your headline and summary. Your LinkedIn profile should also be kept up-to-date with all the latest information so that anyone looking at your profile is receiving the correct information.

LinkedIn provides many tools to optimise your profile to help it feature higher up the LinkedIn search. This ranges from adding keywords to your headline, featured links and even a cover video!

You should also post regular updates to keep your followers engaged. We recommend posting 2-4 times per week across your LinkedIn profiles. This provides the ideal balance between consistency and optimal reach.

2. Generate consistent content

For optimal visibility, keep publishing your content at the same regularity week after week. There are many conflicting answers to how often you should be posting content. The key is to keep the regularity of posting the same week after week.

Be sure your social media goals are achievable and sustainable for your company on a long-term basis. Your pattern of posting should be predictable. This means your audience can grow to expect valuable and relevant content throughout the week.

3. Connect with your ideal target market

If you’re posting on social media sporadically and with no real strategy it can be difficult to make real connections with your target customer. You can spend many hours with no real return for your time.

Did you know that you can send out 100 invites to prospective connections each week? It’s always best to send these connection requests to your target customer. This means you’re targeting individuals in the location of interest with the right job titles. This increases the probability they will click on your profile and learn more about your company and wider work.


4. Use your analytics

LinkedIn provides detailed analytics on every post you publish. The analytics range from the number of users who have viewed your content to the number of likes, shares and reactions. Use these analytics to identify the content that is resonating the most with your audience.

Look at and record your statistics once every month. This will allow you to generate a baseline of data to then select the KPIs that matter most to your company.

5. Align your LinkedIn marketing with your marketing campaigns

The most effective social media campaigns ensure you’re reposting content that you’re using for other marketing activities. Sending out an email? Running a webinar? Be sure to use social media to amplify this messaging. You can also set up LinkedIn events to encourage your followers to register for your next webinar.

LinkedIn is a perfect tool for your start-up. With careful planning, you are able to integrate LinkedIn with the rest of your marketing campaigns. Not only is this the lead generation tool for your start-up, you can use LinkedIn to maximise the ROI from your other campaigns.

Want to learn more about LinkedIn lead generation? Press play below on the first edition of our podcast, here, we discuss LinkedIn as a tool for lead generation and how to make the platform work for your start-up.